The Rock Island Argus from Rock Island, Illinois (2024)

THE AKGU7S, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 13, 189: THE SONG. I lot him know It; cU ulnar love's iLr from viV Wilful know- I -'rnl in a lover's pjiSsioTi; L-i- m.eiiri; words iu true loves H. clionK fi-oiii soiii; t- lii'art -'OJ-h'lM'iirl whl l-l' eiirl. beat fist ss' notes on tiie bine uir trt iiibleii. li.isimil arms uo I Vnrorf iu New York Sun.

UYIIAXNAII DIDN'T GO i it. m-oriv To ii i of I-. nV l.t I lie 'i i iii 1 Lis the 'I'-'' I i' V. 11 imi il siiiu.ux ii t' it ni vileiJ inat i 1 i in- iicilioriiy.

i li'-r weekly pnr-' -i 'l whu never i'lllli'l. i re liiise. 1 to eolii.tli i.e si.le rore I tttiti ice In I tomiiricli over to inter Then il, liit of i.i i-i iiiiljf priilt; ii i iial no nei'il fu ui L'ortiors or in iMi ('' eiv "iier week to do i Ucir 'I Hannah, had an II. who Imd the vs hoK. Miiuniec i.

11 few 'liiy- vir-. tin. -ii siiook her lare vkirta titturiitively of ln-r ecapuU the ine'ies. wi.s Imnllj over the next day whs interviewed aa to her trip, and the iHiiies who Were not, rei-Mit in tiie iiiornin iulervic-wed lier in iv. en le; subject.

They were so Liuienm- ti.eii and kept her so lonsj, that waiting impatiently for i concluded she had gone out bi i iiixr oa purpose to cut him, and vi.i.i lnnne wita another girl. His 'Alio hal net been oil speaking -niov ii (iuodrich ttiiit good me remarks on the si renirth 1" Tier Oowtiiux liroiiiht to iii-t. winter, let he ot ijon.e of Han- i r-ie-l trip, and that r. liiia't htiy i.i inier at i i. iu ii.u.-t to Xe.v York for lo a f'iriiier's wife.

i-ed in il. v.nila 1 lilll-, i.erseif to si woiuier-. i. 1 have oei-ude 1 hi III. iii-oti, v.

-i tn in i l.iaii.-i iik re hii'i i M'-'-. 1 niii in I hi? sit- I -r mith-r. A thf? fur a year, a I i ire if aiid i I.i aeeord. i'e hy hi ino- i.i fniiOiislv i iy v. ere harefooteu aa fi i here today, i i iu disiant Jiehl, aud i mot het-V iill.

After I.i-L ni'ht iilxuit, Han-' loiir. she had thought r-ret. Irom hiru. 1 1 1 she i-ti-i and epeetnnt, i i een ii to Ia.ike's t-i i aiei I here wa'n't 1 i 'i I'll II. k.v i Juiiii.i.ii i i Vi.i lor our i 1 ma are tuvn and o-ie more ii li: ro.iliie to you." fur Jerry's I i.

lie a cieiiirhi! Hum, ah ie i nio; (ma n. I'1 1 trot hrep went, ear i vc out of it just heats "iu i wherever I went. "iii' ma I 1 know in i nan to have au- it. Vi.ii won't mind ifitk merino a yard or yoa i.i-ii a- I'd" he v.i.l tlt. hauie hy ii' it:" cried Hui.nah, tak- i and adding he sinail i ''1-' fau.ily list." added Mrs. laughed. l.nxy i'l'ii'i to Ajunday only. I 1 longer." iiieii, Aiomhiy night ''i. il.

I i.iu-l Mrs. tioodricli hurst 1 cioxi-d after Mrs. Down- -m. i ne idea of her 'iti lo la-nuns, up from the oityfor 1 in iu yive i.r orieouriitrernoiit "Hen loiue auoiu it. I ciin teii ''i.

hi. 1.,: iier. I woiihin'i r-Tuse for the liann.di returned. could J' i over. Goodrieh was w.uih-.""'"" Hannah was.

them, ior was uncer. moni- i-ly A tali, traiua woman, wilu air.n- il she were at the t.el "i KliM.r.i.-r:y f-iment. marched in. Mrs. 'I (1J-n i ti-'s," she I a preimleof a trreet-' an a n.ethat Hannah was i la ii naii answered.

1 M.lrv t.i -i's, and there li'tm tf it Moore's cupper. yon wa fun, to i -imer." I-'; 1 he trouble, y- you're ii, il I'ia'jk lllereeher. too. "i HtV II smile lioin 1 11 "ci. 1 .1 Monday evenin with the 'a-j-y.

hu git me. seventy cent Mi, 1, iw ceremony as Ma i entered. 1 told you so-I told vou so," said Mrs. vieou: ati sue lighted a caudle and weut dovu tuar wuh the milk. "Ef yoa do fur one you'll have to U.

fur the whole town." Mis'? Rroivn, the dressnrnker, dropped in a little later. ''I heerd only just now that you're ftoin to York," she said us if tj apologize for not coining soouer, "and tl at you're goin to some things for Mis' Downing?" "Yes, a dress," Hannah returned, while her mother gave a tremenr.ous ''Ahem." "So I heerd. I don't to York very often myself, and I'm afraid I'm getting a little behind the fashions. It don't pay, you know, for me to get Ix hind," she simpered. Miss Brown was more noted for he- simpers than- for the correct nes.s of her styles.

Of course not. "tfo I made bold to step 'round and ask you, as you're goin to he city auyway, an wiil he loo km at the fashions, to just give a iook lur me." "I shall certainly study the fashions well for my own benefit." "I can't say exactly how many patterns I'd like you to buy me." "Oh, you want me to huy patterns, do you?" Hannah asked qu.ckly. She was one of the mo-t ouliicinj; rls in the world, but this sort of thing was becoming monotonous. "As Ions; as you're in ihe city, an goin right by the fashion stores I s'pose it won't he no trouolo for you to st -p in and buy a pattern or so You can -t whatever you think is pretty some sacks, bodies anil skirts, aud so on. You teil better'n I can when you see 'em.

Y'ou might get about live dollars' worth. I think it'll pay me. I'll let you have the money when you know how much it is, or I'll sew it out Yhilc II iinuah was silently making note of this Mrs. Dobhs, icir next neighbor, eaiue iu. "I'reity neighbors yon are," was her greeting.

'-Pretty ueish lors! 'Melie she just come up from the store. "Ma, she, 'what do yer think? Hannah Goodrich is going to the city a-Thursdav a- shoppiu, an Ls going to Mis' Downing a cress. 1 wonder it she wouldn't buy me a felt hat. I'm sick an tired o' Mis' Miller's "Of course he sez I. 'A pretty neighbor si e'd be ef she "Why, certainly," said HaunaU, trying to call up a smile.

It was only the ghost of one that responded, however. "What kind of a hat will Amelia want?" "She's goin to leave that to your judgment. Somethin pretty aud dressy and stylish, and that'll be leiomin to you Hannah wasdurk, with delicate features, and very pretty; Ameiia was light, with course features, and hom 'She's willing to go as high as five dollars," Mrs. roil)s went on. ef you don't have to spend so much she'll be tickled.

Looking aroun 1 a leetle and not taking the fu-t tiling rial's oliered, you kin sometimes save us inncli as hfiy cent-." The school where Hat vainly strove each day to make AN i youth kara-el wis sonic from her home and she took her luncheon it her. lie had ju-t -el tied down lo it nfvt noon, when a delicate, wit herod hmg ago comely woman entered the Hannah greete.l her.i:h her hoping against hoiie, that Irtd not heai'ii i f.iiion won it, Col 1 I rip. down. She h.i.l I'liiiiiVtrniiiy for ju-r heard ti morn; Was on Ti. and wanted to knev if ing to do I he lea-i.

Int. moment. She had i Mi-s Ciooti-ir il.iy to the city, she would be V. iii-! an errand there. siie -o kind? coi.vse i i ii ti ii cm id not say no.

ami Mrs. (iiiiou chose to nsidtr her embarrassed silence an and Iroia a bag three pie -es of idiie. yeilow iinil green, i ll peculiar les. Would Miss tloo.irieii he so kind iis match them in zephyrs? Siie hud vai tri-d here and in adjacent town- to do -o, then you never could get unyi ng outside of I iie city, con Id get every i hi ng there. Would Miss Goodrich I so kind as to yet a half a pound of each? The very snail! item matching three peculiar shade of silk was added uj Hannah's list.

See sewing that i vening when dark, the ian's ii'e, came in. This lady was wed ores-y, eeoieimicu and very fusv. Ail William knew that she was hard to pl.n;,-. She would not burden Mi-s Goodrich ir anything, she began, if could po. -i'niy lind time to go herself lie it y.

if could get what she wanted in Wtham. She had a piece of brown plaid wl ich would like matched; wouid Mi-s tioodru he so kind as to get the -iiuie tjUi.I ly 'y and lie same pat tern? See? Tin-re was that line stripe Hid she notice ti, Ii was bought three ears Mrs. Clark did iioj, remember now whether it was in Xcw Yolk or Philadelphia: she ii. paid a dollar a yard ir it, and she would like six y.arii-more. Mrs.

Green from the 'orn' Mrs. Drake from the enter, Williams from North William. Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. Jones.

Mrs. after tlieo! her, wire ushered into the silting roam and begge to have a piece of goods matt he 1 or something big or little bought in 1 he city. They always knew it would be no ubie for her its long as she was buying for icrseif, and not one offered to inlvance the money for the pur-chiise. After supper on Wednesday evening Hanni.h wrote out her list in full. She was studying it, a littl; amused and very much vexed, when her mot iier entered.

"Ma, I've been couut ng up," sue said. "The things I am requested by the neighbors to buy amount, al a rough guess to i 1-u. They would easi villi three trunks, mid the work of hunti: for would occupy me at iea-t four days. Not one has offered a cent iu udvnn -e or the money to pay expre-ssage. I huv just eighty dollars and two days to spend in the 'I told you so I do you I do? I should ha.e offended every one of tin in if I had put tua case to them as it what air you going odo? Yoti're in for it.

you see." "I'm not going that's what 1'il do about it. We'll buy our wiut dresses al; Blake's as the rest of Wit ha ail me. The next time 1 make up my mind to go to New York not a i.i Wiranm wi.l know- it IU I am ii" y.iit piea-e, jna Mrs. Goodrich did Wlu went eariy the spring eveu Iiowning was not to. 1 t.iii the lie-t moment, and liieu it v.

as Hannah chaiigeii her name to llifftiiiis th day she went, and was us 'a-ed as ci to und. al, coinmii-oious for Jerrv' mot In ru. Flag. ln Much Niter Ilul'lnfiil. To 1 he dncys to greater activity from on? one leu-pootoui of vin itv ecie rooerlv il.luterl.

111:. be given every three or four hours uuiil two or three 1. ise- have beta taken, ihe c*ntinued use this agent, not with-! and-ing its simple is likely to do harm. Hall's Journa, of Health. SUITS FOR LITTLE BOYS.

Sbirts of Soft Silk and Jackets and Coats of White Washing Corduroy. The attention of mothers who desire picturesque costumes for their little boys is attracted to the soft silk shirts, with tiny frills carried around the collar and down the front, worn with a jacket made of white corduroy. Such jackets are generally made with revere. They look well also in navy blue with a re striped jacket, or in white corduroy with a pale blue blouse and white frills. In the accompanying cut is show a charming little suit, of white SUIT IN HOMKSI'ITX SfIT IS WHITE COIJUT- washing conluroy, suitable for a boy from three to six 5-ears old.

The loose coat is worn over a full shirt of pale blue surah, with large collar aud frills of cream colored silk. The lancer suit represented by the larger figure in the same cut is made in fawn colored homespun. The trousers are confined nt the knee with three buttons. The double breasted jacket is confined about the waist with a broad belt. A picturesque outdoor garment is a little white conluroy coat failing full from the shoulders to the hem of the skirt, the full-cess headed by a deep frill on the shoulders composed nt the throat of Irish point lace.

A white felt tricorn hat trimmed with three pompons is liecomingly worn with the white coats. Double breasted coats of white plush are also seen, and these also clean well. Nothing is so becoming or so well worn for little children as white, and white cloth, white velvet and white felt hats are alike trimmed with leaver a pretty contrast. The In S'ilks. There is a creat diversity in the silk fabrics ii is season, and iu many of these the i is moire.

Mo-t of ti silks have satin stripes introduced of different widths and of intermixed colorings. A new do-sign has shaded stripes about an inch wide, in two or three tones on a white or black ground, and sometimes shot. Five r.iusit lines, each of a diiVerent color, are another feature, aud one of the new shades is the blue. In brocades the Louis patterns, with huge shells, cut of which seem to pour, are taking the place of bows, and are rat iu newer than li.e baskets. Such patterns appear on black grounds in one uniform color, such as old rose or heii.ti'o;R'.

For bridal gowns largo satin knots 0:1 a pea de soie ground, aud a buhl and beautiful pattern in bridal brocade shows a large Louis XV basket, with oats, roses and marguerites; but idle moire will le worn for wed-diiiL's, striped with Kit in. Black moires of a similar make ae striped with colors. Some han.Nmnc silks have large tassels brocaded iu white on yellow, forming a part of a hau.lsouie Spani-h frin brocaded (in the material. Tho-e who want a really useful black gown should take advantage of some pretty brocaded satin in several patterns. The brocaded velvets ou silk and 1 satin Is are in geometric styles or iy waved, like the ripplus 1 lelt hy the ocean on the sand.

livening Itdouscs. Kvcning blouses couldn't prettier. 1 ncy are made ot sio; muslin, crepe tie chine, or emlivoiderc in inconceivably lovely colors. Some are soft silk and lace, with a co! iv 1 ribbon twisted twice I around the and knotted in front. A i pretty bodice, mad? to fit outside the dress, is pale blue surah with sleeves and a g.iire 1 It is cut in a 'round the link and basque.

in front and arranged in soft folds, trimmed ia Another is white surah. same WW! PJ.OfKK StTS.VIl SII.K. scribed, ith scalloped frills of pink embroidered gauze. It has long sleeves, trimmed nil the wry tip with gauze. One that is both substantial and pretty is of black surah with a trimming of tiny black feathers around the neck, and short sleeves.

In thep.ccotnpanying illustration is shown nil attractive blouse in surah silk, the I trimmings of which consist of kiiting of the same around the neck, and cibow sleeves. Tlie laiose Coat. The latc-t thing in outdixir attire only uitrafiL-hiouahie women are wearing it yet, but it will be the rage presently is the loose back coat. I11 shape it is almost the same na a man's covert coat, with a pocket ou each side fur the hands, a rolled ever cellar, am! large pearl buttons at the side. It is made of box serge, or velvet, lined wirh silk to match, or tartan Oui Vivo? I ne I reiicu qui vive 1 iio goes is the challenge of a Freuch st ni.inel.

To 1 on the qui vivo means to be ou the alert; to lie quick aud sharp: to be on the tiptoe i of expectation, like a sentinel on guard. way as the one ue- IF 1M 'Mr' 1111 V'Vitt if To HetTiUs nu Lekltaud ken. If you will Btnd me vour address we will mail yon our lllosuated pacnphlet etplatniDg all about Dr. Dye's celebrated eiectro voltaic belt and appliances, and their charming effects upon the nervous dabilitated system, and bow they will quickly restore you to vigor, manhood ndbealth. Pamphlet free.

If you are thus afflicted, we will send you a belt and appliances on trial. Voltaic Belt Marshall, Mich. How Try Thu. It will cost vou co nine and will suelv do you good, if you have a cough, cold, or bny trouble with throat, chest or lungs. Dr.

Kina's New Disroverv for coDsurr ption, coughs colds is eusr HtDteen to give relief, or money will foe bsrU. Stiff r. rs from Li Grippe found ii just the thing atd under its use hud a epi edy and perfect recovery. Try a Sfctnple bottle at our expense and learn for ourpelf JUAt ho good a tiling it is. Trial boules free at Hrtz Bnhnseii'-, drug store.

Lmsje siz- 50c at.d St. Cpceimen Can. 8 II. Clifford. N-w Caspel, Wi9 ws troubhd with netirilcia aud rheuiratism.

btomtcn whs disordered, his liver ws xfficttii to an hlMinitig degree, appetite fell awny, and be ws terribly reduced fl sh nd strergth. Three bottles of El otno. Biitcrs cured him, Eiwhrd Shtpuerd, Hnriisburer, 111 a runnir.g tote on of eight years' standing. Used thtee bottles Eeciric Bitters and sevi boxes of B.ickk-n Arnica Silve, and bis lee is sound and well. John Speaker.

Calawbi. Ohio, hid five large fever sores oa his doctor said he was incurible. bottle Bitrnrs anl one icblcn's Arnica "slve cured him cniin-Iy. Sold by Hanz Bahnsen, dtua store. EUCKLKI''6 AHNtCA liAl.VB.

The best saIv.t in tbe world for cats, nruises, sores, ulcere, en't rheum, feve; ores, tetter, chapped band, chilblain, corns and all skin eruptions, nnd positively cures piles, or no paj required. It '8 guarsntce.i to prve perfect refunded. Price 85 cents rx BBEATJUCGBS! The Scott Medical Institute which has just closed its work of free treatment has been a far as can be proved by the numbers of aiiiicted people who have thronged the Institute daily, many of whom found relief after the first treatment. This is a medical institute cominji; to our city well recommended, the physicians having" received their diplomas from the best medical colleges in the United States as wed as in foreign countries, and it has come to stay as can be proved by the contracts they have made which are without exception by the year. The physicians have decided to place the price of treatment within the reach of the poor as well as the rich.

They treat all diseases with marked success with their specialties. Catarrh Diseases of Wonian These physicians also guarantee to stop any pain in the body in from three to five minutes without the use of medicine. Remember it costs nothing to see these doctors and find out what your troubles are, and if you can be cured they will take your case, but if you can't, then they will tell you so. No matter what your sickness is, go and get relieved or find out if you can be cured. Catarrh, they guarantee to cure no matter how longstanding.

Those pronounced incurable or who had doctored for months with their family physician, arc especially invited. It does not take months to cure any case nor weeks either. Remember. consultation free. Office 023 Main Street, Davenport.

Office hours, to 1 1 a. 2 to 4 p. 7 io p. m. Same hours Sundav.

T- 7TTTT. xij i-J i Zj Jr xl ii. THE NEXT MORNING I FT EL PR'C-HT ND NEW AND MY COMPLEXION IS BETTER. Iy rtix'tprsays ft net; irrnl'r on ti rtorach, Itrrr and ti'ftfif -ys. unrt f-'-'asant laut'rp.

This flriT'lt inaUe frim li -rp, unci is pieparnd. for as eabily tu leu. il ifCUl lhhe's medighie AH drriTtcrt- sell it at ar.d :l.ou per parkas. Pay one to-dav. I nic'i Kun-ilv M.

rinr movr th tmivrls acb day. Iu cnicr Uj hts Uv.iiii)t tlu i REMEMBER SOM Sr144ii wrfr ILL ROCPflS NiEP ST: EVERY HOUSEWIFE WANTS IT. 1 THE Billiard Parlor Sample Room, No. 117 Eighteenth Street. JAMES T.

CCONNOR-, Proprietors. TO. H. CATTON. JT.

M. CHRISTY, Steam Cracker Bakery, For snip in HocU inland bv Hart 2 I'1 il RESTORES llr r-V i jAtct ak: wim-. 1ki.i Knus- i "1 1 Jtf' ci i tilicr pe.v f-uii-e I by or -t ion, yr hi i- fi xi cvive if JV, yrc A. ii-t toliac.i, I'piunt it-li r. ri.m i.

tni-timp jii.y r- vfrv i'7 tt imv rr a ft," I jDavenport Business College, Issy C03.IPLETI: IN AuL DEPARTMENTS. T071 CATALCGUE3 ADDRESS J. C. DUNCAN. Ds.veriport.Ia i i "pr 1 lir.

-V, "r'-u'ti PuiTrrin from WW it 0 itu; nail Iftjtlinv tr'-S. ClC hu'i vrounsrt tl'r cquws; ai-v JCCrS itjCy c.m-i R.U'ilul. hUwli tlioirynur-i-: nl- i.r.-i UiJiIr v. invZ i i ta Siilo, -I'crtithi anrl FASTiLLEj), WIi 1 m.n-y 7arsi. Sna tiii pot.

ciiret'tiT U'n titv p'sioru vuji.r man rr nr. Ciirfjt't pr rp Ciiui.f.- i ci'. lor yr iwivl nsvr.t i'e 111 t) irtTW.Z CMTnMiMft Sv Van- E.wilil.1 SliU I-. ('ail it rriif fur l. iitv'urnc fonLiatu.n Sousalitwr A ihk PtS.i ro ISS WiirOf ilH S'hrXT.

HI Fur Site by ail nrpi-tiass tirocery dcati C. O. X). Steam Laundry, 221 aiul EIGHTEENTH iT. AL LfcTindry Wcri done on Fhcrt notice.

A Bptcilty of Prices as Low as th Lo si. CARL. ACHTERMAN, Prop rector. Tr. Kenit-on'B I ab tcmedy.

Karroue e.erj-wMire (snjof? tbe ladle at pa'e, prompt and effectual The orieinal woman's $altUion. d'reel, itifurniation free. Addrtsf Uttos Medical Hot ton, Mn. 9 CD BEAtfS Ma RICE ArtD Rye. BUT NeVR MIMD FH05E fF YcifU OtilX 5 ORE t-cr f.l v.Uiw OIL JS" KASDFACTDREB CF CRACKERS EiSCUiTS- Ak Yoitr froriT ir.r Tt '1 h-y tri Best.

SPECIALTIES The CliriMy "Othteu'' ai lirif ty "CArrR." BOCK ISLAND. trt l.itJi;u, 111 Btthnso. Si Arc. i FALL AND WINTER STOCK nil iti Insurance Agent Reprepcnt. a-ionir other i'ne-tnel ai.Q wel tEown Firt Insurance Corrrmtta folicwirif Royal Irjnrr.nrcCo!nr.&r.y.

of Er.pivid. ecb ftct Fire la. Coir.t.:-.v of Y. butfnio (tcriaan In. Birttnlo.

N. Y. Oerman In it, ri.nsttr, ti. Y. Citinxs Hutf-ttnrpa, Pa.

Fna Fire Office. London. Ction t. Secarity Ir.e. tot i C--' n.

vit.ii.k..o Ircrtant's Ik.Ol, Wig Germi.ri im Inn. fwm, lii. 03ce Cor. lSth am? fc'. rccd Ae.

ROCK ILL. J. M. BUFORD, General Insurance Agent. The old Fire and Time tried C'cui auits ri'iirtsent'il.

Losses Promptly Paid. lwa ar.y reliable compai can uEord. Your Patroiif i- t'ulxi'rd. THE ILLINOIS Uw Stock insurance Co. CaiCAGO, ILL.

InsiirvK live stack agaiiut di ath from or dieoue. For rates apj ly to ED. LIEBEKKXECHT. Ajrent. 1712 Scowd arenne.

IiocTe Iflr.nd, Tiie Rock Island Weekly Argus Is th.3 bast medium throueh which, to reach th-3 country trada. AdTertiser3 should have their armounceraents.ready by Thursday morning to insure insertion in the current week's issue. fAMnf, Ft3, (anv mm A "A i.

The Rock Island Argus from Rock Island, Illinois (2024)


Where is Rock Island Argus? ›

East Moline, Illinois

Does anyone live on Rock Island? ›

Rock Island, IL is home to a population of 37.3k people, from which 94.8% are citizens. As of 2022, 8.9% of Rock Island, IL residents were born outside of the country (3.32k people). In 2022, there were 3.89 times more White (Non-Hispanic) residents (23.2k people) in Rock Island, IL than any other race or ethnicity.

What is Rock Island famous for? ›

Due to its geography, Rock Island has a rich history of bridge building, including the first railroad bridge across the Mississippi (now gone), an unusual two-track railroad bridge, and the largest roller dam in the world.

Where is Dispatch Argus located? ›

The Dispatch-Argus is a daily morning newspapers based in East Moline, Illinois, and circulated throughout the Quad City metropolitan area.

Where is rock islands located? ›

The Rock Islands are situated in Palau's Southern Lagoon and lie between Koror and Peleliu. Some sources state that there is a total of 300 islands, while others count as little as 250. The main island is called Urukthapel and stretches over a total surface of 47 km².

What lake is Rock Island on? ›

The 974.87-acre (394.5 ha) island is approximately 1.6 miles (2.6 km) long and 1.1 miles (1.8 km) wide. It rises to 65 meters above Lake Michigan, making it the highest in elevation out of all the Potawatomi Islands.

What is the black population in Rock Island, Illinois? ›

Race and Ethnicity

In 2022, there were 6.85 times more White (Non-Hispanic) residents (100k people) in Rock Island County, IL than any other race or ethnicity. There were 14.6k Black or African American (Non-Hispanic) and 7.71k White (Hispanic) residents, the second and third most common ethnic groups.

What City is Rock Island close to? ›

Rock Island is part of the Quad Cities area which consists of Rock Island, Moline, and East Moline in Illinois, and Davenport and Bettendorf on the Iowa side of the river.

Who owns the Rock islands? ›

The islands are wholly owned and administered by the state of Koror, through the Koror State Department of Conservation and Law Enforcement.

Are there bears on Rock Island? ›

Flora and Fauna in Rock Island State Park

Here's why the isolated island is so great: There are no ticks, no pesky raccoons, no skunks, and no bears—no perils for backpackers.

How did Rock Island, Illinois get its name? ›

Rock Island gets its name from the largest island in the Mississippi River, which was formerly called Rock Island and is now called Arsenal Island.

When did the Rock Island shut down? ›

A proposed merger (1960) with the Union Pacific was vetoed by the Interstate Commerce Commission, and the Rock Island entered its last receivership in 1975. This time reorganization was impossible, and the company shut down in 1980.

Where is the Times Argus printed? ›

We are a local 5-days a week newspaper based in Barre, Vermont owned and operated by Brunswick Publishing, LLC. We deliver print newspapers Tuesday through Saturday in Washington, Orange and Lamoille counties.

Where is the Telegraph and Argus located? ›

The Telegraph & Argus is the daily newspaper for Bradford, West Yorkshire, England. It is published six times each week, from Monday to Saturday inclusive. The newspaper has offices in Newhall Way, Bradford, from where its journalists work. Locally, the paper is known as the T&A.

Where is the dispatch based? ›

The company is based in downtown Washington, D.C. By June 2020, The Dispatch had grown to twelve staffers.

Where is Rock Island Wisconsin? ›

The island is located about a mile off of Washington Island, at the tip of Door County in Wisconsin. You need to take 2 ferries to get there. The first from Sister Bay to Washington Island runs frequently and late.

Where is Rock Island filmed? ›

The series, which follows the adventures of the heroic Taylor (Alexa Curtis) and her friends as they work to solve the mysteries of their beloved Rock Island, will make use of the Gold Coast's Pinnacle Films Studios and The Post Lounge in Brisbane, while also filming on location with local crew.

What state is Rock Island in? ›

Where is Rock City island? ›

Located atop Lookout Mountain in Georgia, just 6 miles from downtown Chattanooga, Rock City is a true marvel of nature featuring massive ancient rock formations, gardens with over 400 native plant species, and breathtaking "See 7 States" panoramic views.

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Author: Corie Satterfield

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Views: 5883

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Author information

Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

Address: 850 Benjamin Bridge, Dickinsonchester, CO 68572-0542

Phone: +26813599986666

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.