The Cincinnati Enquirer from Cincinnati, Ohio (2024)

C6 FRIDAY, APRIL 27,2001 FNMOK THE CINCINNATI ENQUIRER BUSINESS (legal 'Advertising Legal Atwertisinu Advertlsing Inventureworks: Program develops products, talent roy 1552, 6552 Murray Ave. 2, Cintl, OH 45227; Tim Chambers 1612, 21 E. Bol-twood Ct, Clnti, OH 45225; Derrick Welton 1617, 6722 Sampson La, Cinti, OH 45236; Angela Bryant 1644, 832 Clark St. If, Cintl, OH 45203; Marva Allen 1649, 1828 Cordova Ave, Cinti, OH 45239; Chris Parton 1810, 4916 Forest Ave. 8, Norwood, OH 45212; Amy Lucy 1817,5116 Warren 2, Norwood, OH 45212; James Brlnson 1B18, 1920 Crown Ave, Norwood, OH 45212; Jeff Hetzer 2125, 5034 Stewart Park, Norwood, OH 45212; Mary Patterson 2126, 2009 Crane Ave, Clnti, OH 45207; Lauren Cinergy: Seeks clarity on costs of plant From Page CI f' prvirp Flprtrir At Hue Cn Earnings slip in first quarter Despite revenue that more than doubled, Cinergy Corp.

on Thursday reported lower first-quarter earnings in part because of a 5 percent rollback in electric generation rates required by Ohio's Electric Choice program. Net income for the three months ended March 31 was $120.2 million, or 75 cents a share, compared with $138.4 million, or 87 cents a share, a year ago. The results met the consensus of analysts surveyed by First CallThomson Financial. Revenue grew 134 percent to $3.7 billion from $1.6 billion a year ago, largely because of growth in its energy merchant business led by a doubling of electricity trading volumes and a 24 percent increase in gas trading volumes. Cinergy said it remains on target to report record earnings of $2.75 a share for the year.

Mike Boyer tion in Washington, D.C. Contrary to some utility and coal industry officials, Mr. Rogers has advocated a comprehensive environmental solution that would set targets for all types of emissions sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide, mercury and carbon dioxide. In exchange for undertaking voluntary compliance now, utilities would receive "safe harbor" protection for new plants they build. Where Mr.

Rogers differs from some environmental activists is how quickly that could be achieved. "My view is that this is a problem that's taken a 100 years to get here since the start of industrial revolution," he said. "It's going to take us 20 or 30 years to work through this issue, but we ought to get started on it now." Mr. Rogers thinks the chances for comprehensive legislation addressing the energy and environmental issues are greater now than in some time. Pointing out that President Nixon signed the act creating the Environmental Protection Agency and President Bush's father signed the 1990 amendments to the Clean Air Mr.

Rogers said, "Every major piece of environmental legislation has been signed by Republicans, and I think it will be signed by this Ik product development cycle into a 10-week academic quarter. "Innovation often gets stymied within corporations by the length of time it takes to get corporate support for new-to-the-world Mr. Evans said. Inventureworks allows companies to "quickly prototype an idea, then use that prototype to capture corporate imagination and refine your concept with consumers." was the first BrandStorm client to sponsor an Inventureworks project, this past winter quarter at UC. Mr.

Evans worked closely with Northlich BrandStorm consultants and UC professors to develop the curriculum for a confidential pilot project UC students participating in the program last winter developed models, marketing plans and designs for a "branded product and delivery system" that wants to keep under wraps until more research has been conducted, Mr. Evans said. He said the Cincinnati-based consumer-goods giant had already developed a new technology that it wanted to market but handed it over to Inventureworks students to create a "branded experience." Mr. Evans said is reviewing the students' work, and "while I doubt that well take any specific end product of any team and do it literally as it was done, a lot of the ideas on how to create the experience and features that would enable the experience, we're going to view." While it remains to be seen whether any of the final recommendations will be incorporated into actual production, Ann Welsh a UC business professor involved with the Inventureworks project sees a huge internal upside for students. "If I were an employer looking for people to hire, I would want to start with this program," Ms.

Welsh said. "These are kids who are transforming themselves, from people who just know a lot of stuff, but don't quite know what to do with it to people who know how to do something that is of value to a client. These kids are hitting the ground flying, not running." From Page CI for me was working with the marketing kids," said Ramsey Ford, a third-year industrial design student at UC and an Inventureworks alumnus. "In a lot of our projects in industrial design, you just come up with whatever creative solutions you have, do a drawing, make a model and say, 'I'm going to sell "Working with the marketing kids brought in a whole different element," he said. "You had to research everything and decide why you were doing what you were doing, and have it make sense in terms of Svill this make money or I guess it was a little bit more real-world." BrandStorm consultants and UC faculty members helped develop the customized curriculum that Inventureworks' students use to create such things as new-product prototypes and marketing concepts for BrandStorm clients.

Those clients have exclusive rights to the fruits of Inventureworks projects they sponsor. Those clients compensate UC for materials, overhead costs and faculty, and pay Northlich a fee based on the scope of the project "Inventureworks students are working on real-world new-product development projects, and they're doing it in cross-functional teams that reflect the organizational structure of most businesses," said Mark Serrianne, Northlich's CEO. "It gives them a great headstart on their Mr. Serrianne said he thinks Inventureworks has the potential to be a national model. "Just as Stanford University created the talent pool that was the genesis of the high-tech industry, we believe Inventureworks has the potential to bring independent resources together and help transform this region into a global center for new-product innovation," he said.

Steve Evans, director of product development for commercial products group, said Inventureworks allows consumer-goods makers to tap the unspoiled perspective of talented young people who basically compress the Mr. Rogers won't comment on those reports, but says Cinergy, created out of the 1994 merger of Cincinnati Gas Electric and PSI Energy Inc. of Indiana, remains committed to finding a strategic partner to grow future earnings. "We are one of the dominant energy merchants in the Midwest," he said. "What we're looking for is to either strengthen our position in the region, or probably higher on our priority list is (find) somebody who is dominant in their region.

Then you get some true synergies." Wall Street's continued focus on Cinergy's search for a major merger or acquisition has obscured the utility's operating success, Mr. Rogers said. In the past five years, Cinergy's revenues have increased from about $3 billion to more than $8 billion, mainly due to growth in its electric and gas merchant business. In the same period, he said, the company has improved the productivity and efficiency of generating and transmission and distribution assets. Before charges amounting to 11 cents a share for the EPA settlement, Cinergy reported record earnings of $2.61 a share last year and expects another record of $2.75 a share this year.

In Mr. Rogers' view, the solutions to the nation's energy crunch and environmental cleanup are inexorably tied. "I believe any energy policy has got to have a strong environmental plank. A solely supply side solution isn't going to work," he said. Mr.

Rogers, chairman of the environmental policy committee of the Edison Electric Institute, a utility industry trade group, will be making that point in a meeting today with the Bush administra- NOTICE TO BIDDERS The Wyoming City Schools Board of Education wiN receive sealed bids on General Construction Work, Plumb- ing Work, Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning Work, and Electrical Work for a 6,000 square foot renovation project at their future office location. Separate Bids shaN be submitted for each of these separate portions of the Project. Each of these separate portions of the Project shaH Include all labor, materials, and equipment necessary to complete each portion of the Proect. The bid tor General Construction Work shaH include coordinating and scheduling the Work of aN Bidders in order to facilitate the progress of the Project. Revise below for type of bid.

Other types of bids Include cost-plus fee, guaranteed maximum price, unit price, and combined bid. Bids will be on a stipulated sum basis. Project Is to be completed by August 22, 2001 assuming that the commencement of the project occurs on May 22, 2001. Sealed bids wiH be received by the Wyoming City Schools Board of Education in the Media Center of Wyoming High School, 106 Pendery Wyoming, Ohio, until Local Time, Wednesday, May 9, 2001, at which time they wiH be publicly opened and read aloud. Bids received after this time wiH not be accepted.

AH interested parties are Invited to attend. Each proposal shaH meet regulations of Section 153.54 of the Ohio Revised Code. Bidding Documents may be examined beginning April 25, 3001 at the following locations: AHied Construction Industries, Cincinnati, Ohio; Dayton Builders Exchange, Dayton, Ohio; F.W.Dodge McGraw HIH Ran Rooms, Cincinnati and Dayton, Ohio, and Construction Market Data, Cincinnati, Ohio. Copies ot Bidding Documents may be obtained beginning April 25, 2001 by Bidders at Queen City Reprographics, 2851 E. Kemper Road, Cincinnati, Ohio 45241; telephone (513) 326-2300 or fax (513 326-2313, upon a deposit of $50.00.

AH deposit checks shaH be made out to Wyoming City Schools. Bidders are required to purchase at least one (1 complete set of Bidding Documents. When purchasing Bidding Documents, Bidders shal Identify themselves as legitimate Bidders by means of company stationary or business cards. Each Bidder must include with his bid a Bid Bond, Cashier's Check, or Certified Check in an amount not less than 10 of the bid amount. The bid amount of each Bidder shall be the sum of the Bidder's Base Bid and Add Alternates.

Each bid amount of each Bidder shaH be the sum of the Bidder's Base Bid and Add Alternates. Each bid must also be accompanied by a Non-CoHusion Affidavit and by an Affidavit of Non-Delinquency of Personal Property Taxes. The successful Bidders wiH be required to furnish a Performance Bond and Payment Bond each in an amount not less than 100 of their Contract Sum. A Pre-BId Informational meeting wiH be held at 2:00 p.m. Local Time at the site of the Project, Tuesday, May 1, 2001.

Wyoming City Schools reserves the right to waive any informality, irregularity, or defect in any bid, and to reject anyor aN bids should It be deemed In the best interest of Wyoming City Schools to do so. It is the intent ot Wyoming City Schools to award contracts to the lowest responsible and responsive Bidders. 48498950027 NOTICE TO BIDDERS City of Fairfield Village Green Park Benches and Receptacles Sealed bids wiN be received by the Finance Department of the City of Fairfield, Ohio, at 5350 Pleasant Avenue, until 3:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, Monday, May 7, 2001 for the purchase of park benches and receptacles for the Planning Department, at which time and place aN bids wiH be publicly opened and read aloud. Detail specifications and bid forms are on file and may be obtained in the Finance Department Accounting Office (Room 109109), 5350 Pleasant Avenue, Fairfield, Ohio, between the hours of 8:00 am and 5:00 pm.

Bids must be submitted on the forms in the Contract Documents and other conditions therein described must be met. Each bid must be enclosed In a sealed envelope and display the name and address of the bidder, and project name 'Village Green Park Benches and Receptacles'. Each bid shaH be accompanied by a Bid Bond in the amount of one hundred percent (100) of the total bid or a Certified Check or Cashier's Check payable to the City of Fairfield in an amount equal to at least ten percent (10) of the total amount bid, as a guarantee that if the bid is accepted) a Contract wiN be signed by the bidder. The bid cannot be withdrawn for a period of ninety (90) days toHowfno the bid opening. The City of Fairfield reserves the right to reject any or aN bids or to correct or waive irregularities In bids should it be deemed in the best Interest of the City to do so.

Tim Bachman, Planning Director 36684948705 BOUlye 2202, PO BOX 16141, Clnti, OH 45216; Melissa Byrd 2224, 6926 Rob Vern Or, Clnti, OH 45239; Rhonda Walker 2320, 3522 Reading Rd, Cintl, OH 45229; Jettrey Frost 2323, 3255 Deshler Cinti, OH 45251. 39500958290 LEGAL NOTICE The North Side Bank 1 Trust Company, 4125 Hamilton Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio 45223 has applied with the appropriate government agencies to open a mobile branch to operate from 4125 Hamilton Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio 45223, which win operate throughout Hamilton, Butler, Clermont and Warren Counties. Any person wishing to comment on this application may file his or her comments in writing with the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, P.O. Box 6387, Cleveland, Ohio 44 1 01 The comment period wilt end 15 days from the date of this publication. The Board's procedures for processing applications may be found at 12 C.F.R.

Part 262. Procedures tor processing protested applications may be found at 12 C.F.R. Part 262.25. To obtain a copy of the Board's procedures, or If you need more information about how to submit your comments on the application, contact the Community Affairs Officer at The Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, Ms. Ruth Clevenger at (216) 579-2392.

The Federal Reserve wil consider your comments and any request for a public hearing or formal hearing on the application if they are received by the Federal Reserve Bank on or before the last day of the comment period. All comments become part of the public application file and the Division wiH disclose to the applicant bank. 3941 19581 18 LEGAL NOTICE Sealed bids wiH be received by the City of St. Bernard, 110 Washington Avenue, St. Bernard, OH 45217 until 11:00 AM (local time) on Friday, May 1 1, 2001 and wiH be publicly opened and read aloud immediately thereafter for furnishing all labor, materials and equipment necessary to complete the project known as 2001 STREET IMPROVEMENTS (Greenlee, Church, Tower and Jackson).

Contract Documents, bid sheets, plans and specifications can be obtained at JMA Consultants, 202) Auburn Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio 45219 for S75.00 per set, nonrefundable. Each bidder is required to furnish with its proposal, a Bid Guaranty and Contract Bond in accordance with Section 153.54 of the Ohio Revised Code. Bid security, furnished in Bond form, shall be issued by a surety company or corporation licensed In the State of Ohio in the fun amount of one hundred percent (100) of the bid amount. Each bid must be submitted in a sealed envelope plainly marked "2001 STREET IMPROVEMENTS" on the outside of the envelope. Each bid must contain the full name of every person(s) or company Interested in the same.

The successful bidder, upon receipt of acceptance of their proposal, must furnish 100 Performance Bond and 100 Labor and Material Payment Bond to the Owner, cost of bonds to be Included In Bid. Bid Bonds or Certified Checks of unsuccessful bidders wiN be returned upon our acceptance of the successful bidder's proposal. No bidder may withdraw his bid within sixty (60) days after the actual date of the opening thereof. The City of St. Bernard reserves the right to reject any and aH bids, to waive informalities in bidding, and to let a Contract tor the whole or any part thereof.

Bids received after the time and date above shad be returned unopened. The City of St. Bernard, Ray p. Schrand, Service Director. LEGAL NOTICE There will be a special meeting of the board ot education on Thursday, April 26, at 8 00 p.m.

in the Mariemont School Board Office. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss bond issues protects, updates, and personnel. 61976956803 LEGAL NOTICE The following storage units from Three Rivers Self-Storage at 40)5 E. Miami River Road, Cleves, OH will be sold at a public sale. Date: May 12, 2001 The unit numbers, names, and last known addresses are as follows: 1 512-515 AHan Butler 7234 Creekview 8 Cincinnati OH 2) 530 Floyd Adkins 6090 Dry Fork Rd Cleves, OH 45002 581 04955856 Request for Proposals (RFP) Butler Metropolitan Housing Authority (BMHA) hereby requests proposals for Ener- Sy Services.

Proposals shall received until 2:00 p.m. on May 21, 2001 at: Butler Metropolitan Housing Authority, Attn: Development Department, 4110 Hamiton-Middte-town Road, Hamilton, OH 45011-6218. Proposals wil be held in confidence and not released in any manner until after the award of the contract. By submission of a Broposal, the offeror agrees, it proposal is accepted, to enter into a contract with Butler Metropolitan Housing Authority to complete an work specified or Indicated in the RFP for contract price. A pre-proposal conference wiH be held at 10:00 a.m.

(local time) May 8, 2001. AN offerors are encouraged to attend the pre-proposal conference. Questions regarding the attached RFP should be directed to the undersigned at (513) 896-4411 Ext 104. An Evaluation Criteria Package may be obtained by submitting a letter of interest, or by calling the aforementioned. Tony Blaine, Executive Director Equal Opportunity Employer and Fair Housing Provider.

37943955586 REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP) FOR A FINANCIAL ADVISOR FOR THE REVITALIZATION OF LAUREL HOMES AND ATTENDANCE AT A PRE-PROPOSAL CONFERENCE ON MAY 16, 2001 AT 10:00 A.M. (Local Time) at Cincinnati Metropolitan Housing Authority, 1088 WEST LIBERTY STREET, CINCINNATI, OHIO 45214. Solicitations are available at the Purchasing Department located at 1088 West Liberty Street, Cincinnati Ohio 45214. The Purchasing Department shaN receive PROPOSALS until MAY 25, 2001 2:00 P.M. (Local Time) at the 1088 West Liberty Street address mentioned above.

The responsibility for submitting a response to this RFP to the Purchasing Department on or before the stated time and date wi be solely and strictly the responsibility of the Offeror. Cincinnati Metropolitan Housing Authority wiH in no way be responsible for delays caused- by the United States Mail Delivery or caused by any other occurrence. Questions concerning this RFP may be directed to William Wands, Procurement Specialist, at (513) 977-5703. IMPORTANT REGARDING PUBLICATION OF LEGAL NOTICES Legal Notices may be ordered by mail, fax or in person. Notices cannot be received by phone.

Release Deadline lor receiving copy Is 3:00 p.m.: Mon. for Wed. Tues. for Thurs. Wed.

for Frl. Release Deadline for receiving copy Is Noon: Thurs. for Sat. Sun. Frl.

for Mon. Tuesday Proof deadlines are two days in advance of release deadlines. When submitting copy please Indicate date(s) notice is to appear in the Cincinnati Enquirer. If submitted in person; bring to the Cincinnati Enquirer Advertising Counter on the third floor at 312 Elm Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. If submitted by mail, send to: The Cincinnati Enquirer Classified Legal Advertising Dept.

312 Elm Street 17th Floor Cincinnati, Ohio 45202 The publisher's liability for any errors or failure to print legal notices shall be limited to the cost of the first publication of the advertisem*nts). For additional information call 768-8184, 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m., LEGAL NOTICE The Batavia Township Zoning commission wiH Hold a public hearing on a proposed amendment to the Batavia Township Zoning resolution, submitted by: Mary A. Summons, owner(s) or lessees), of the property within the area proposed to be changed or atiected. Said hearing wiU be held at p.m., Tuesday, May 8, 2001 at the Batavia Township Office Service Complex, 2401 Old State Rourt 32, Batavia, Ohio. Following is a list of the addresses of all properties to rezoned or redlstricted by the proposed amendment and the names of owners of these properties, as they appear on the county auditor's tax list: Parcel 3 01-20-24-057, Mary A.

Sammons 4111 Cur-llss Lane; Parcel 01-20-24-011, Mary A. Sammons 4111 Curliss Lane. The present zoning classification of the subject property Is Industrial District. The proposed zoning classification of the subject property is R-2, Suburban Residential district and Industrial district. The motion, resolution, or application proposing to amend the zoning resolution win be available for public examination for public review at the Township Office Service Complex, between the hours of 8:00 a.m.

and 12:00 p.m., (Monday through Friday) or after hours by appointment. The person responsible for giving notice of the public hearing by publication is Oenise KeHey. At the conclusion of this hearing the matter wiH be referred, tor further determination, to the Board of Township Trustee. Batavia Township Zoning Commission, Tina Freyhof, Secretary 40300958750 LEGAL NOTICE Sealed bids will be received by the City of Wyoming, 800 Oak Avenue, 45215 until 12:00 Noon (local time) on May 15, 2001, and wW be publicly opened and read aloud Immediately thereafter for furnishing all labor, materials and equipment necessary to complete the protect known as FOREST AVENUE IMPROVEMENTS. Contact Documents, bid sheets, plans and specifications can be obtained at JMA Consultants, 2021 Auburn Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio 45219 for $75.00 per set, nonrefundable.

Each bidder is required to furnish with Its proposal, a Bid guarantey and Centract Bond in accordance with Section 153.54 of the Ohio Revised Code, bid security, furnished in Bond form, ShaN be issued by a surety company or corporation licensed In the State of Ohio In the full amount of one hundred percent (100) of the bid amount. Each bid must be submitted In a sealed envelope plainly marked FOREST AVENUE IMPROVEMENTS on the outside of the envelope. Each bid must contain the fuN name of every person(s) or company interested in the same. The successful bidder, upon receipt of acceptance of their proposal, must furnish 100 Performance Bond and 100 Labor and Material Payment Bond to the Owner, cost of bonds to be included in Bid. bid Bonds or Certified Checks of unsuccessful bidders WIN be returned upon our acceptance of the successful bidders will be returned upon our acceptance of the successful bidder's proposal.

No bidder may withdraw his bid within sixty (60) days after the actual date of the opening thereof. The City of Wyoming reserves the right to reect any and all bids, to waive informalities In bidding, and to let a Contract for the whole or any part thereof. Bids received after the time and date above shall be returned unopened. 40087958642 LEGAL NOTICE 29) Ord. amending Norwood Codified Ordinance 351.04 (d) loriglnaHy enacted as Ord.

no. 68-1996 parking near curb; handicapped locations on public and private lots and garages. 30) Ord. prohibiting the Illegal distribution of cigarettes or other tobacco products. 39728958326 LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC AUCTION The following parties that have household goods, furniture, etc.

stored at Storage Ltd. DBA Wildcat Self Storage, 4900 Franklin Norwood, Ohio 45212, Phone 513731-1177 are hereby notified that said goods wil be sold at public auction to be held on May 17, 2001 at 10:30 A.M. at Wildcat Self Storage, 4900 Franklin Norwood, Ohio 45212. Terrl Townes-Wyche 245, 6031 -A Ridge-acres Cintl, OH 45237; Troy Burnett 250, 3657 Irving, Clnti, OH 45209; Diana Hllson 253, 130 39th St, Newport Beach, CA 92663; Angela Brock 507, 1705 Lincoln Ave. 11, Norwood, OH 45212; Ken Mundy 833, 3451 McHenry 31, Clnti, OH 45225; John Davis III 903, 576 Blue Spruce PI, Trenton, OH 45067; Evelyn Berllng 918, 3896 tsabeHa Ave, Cintl, OH 45209; Johnnie Jones Jr.

1941, 1611 Clerewood Ave, Cintl, OH 45229; Brady Kohl 1950, 4160 East Miami, Cteves, OH 45212; Heidi McAnaHy 1027, 240 Rktgeway, Cintl, OH 45215; Linda K. Brown 1027, 3328 Ibsen 5, Cintl, OH 45209; Theresa Love! 1044, 1847 Tilden Ave, Norwood, OH 45212; Cynthia Roberson 1045, 660 Gholson, Clnti, OH 45229; Biodigester Technologies 1125 i 1230, PO Box 12015, Grand Forks, ND 58208; Shawn Martini 1133, 4229 Ivanhoe Ave, Norwood, OH 45212; Shannon Gray 1219, 2654 Cornwall Cintl, OH 45231; James Green-wakt 1236, 357 A hern St, Atlantic Beach, FL 32233; Joyce Naylor 1238, 4822 Section Ave, Norwood, OH 45212; Tasha Scott 1244, 10790 Shadowrldge La Cinti, OH 45240; Richetta Stanford 1250, 2093 Baltimore, Cintl, OH 45225; Patricia Taylor 1502, 3553 Handman Ave. 201, Clnti, OH 45226; Ernest Duncan 1537, 6898 Norfolk, Cintl, OH 45069; David Pome- Delta CEO gives overview 0 I I I I I A A i 'V vkji 'Mm ift A- Jm From Page CI problem in the country with 50 miles of runway. When you think about the fact that the interstate highway system is 42,500 miles, you wonder why we can't get 50 miles of runway developed. We absolutely need more runways.

And I presume when I look at the details of the Cincinnati situation, 111 be an advocate of it but I just haven't studied it recently myself. Does Delta have a representative involved in the talks between subsidiary Cotnair and its striking pilots? No. Comair is at the table, Comair is handling the negotiations. Obviously, we have had a policy discussion concerning this, but it is Comair making the final negotiating decisions on that Why not just give the pilots what they want and stop losing money? We are all prepared to clear it up. We have a terrific offer on the table that would increase compensation by 25 percent or so.

And the pilots have a proposal that in terms of total compensation would increase it 80 percent There is just no way to continue to run an operation with those kinds of compensation increases. Has there been any more thought to how Delta is going to pay for its new contract with its pilots? Obviously, we've got to streamline costs one area in particular is distribution costs, which can be helped by the Internet Also, we're getting 100 new over the next 100 weeks. Those tend to be two-pilot aircraft and we tend to be retiring B-727s and LrlOl Is, both of which are three-pilot aircraft And these new planes have tremendously better fuel-burning characteristics. What about higher prices at hubs such as Cincinnati? Congress has actually taken up legislation aimed at curbing hub pricing. Is Delta considering anything to lessen the load at the hubs? Each market has its own kind of pricing characteristics.

Hubs generally are priced higher than other locales, but they also tend to have a tremendously better service NOTICE TO ABSENT FATHER IN THE SUPERIOR COURT For the State of Alaska Third Judicial District At Anchorage Case No. 3 AN 99-472 PR In the Matter of the Adoption of D.M.W., A Minor Child. M.R.W., Petitioner. TO: Jon E. Snow, Father of Above-Named Child.

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that an adoption hearing has been scheduled at Room 239 of the State Court building at 303 Street, Anchorage, Alaska on Thursday, June 14, 2001, at the hour of 2 o'clock p.m., regarding the final adoption of your minor child: D.M.S., a minor child born August 29, 1989 at Anchorage, Alaska. A decree of adoption will terminate all of the rights and obligations that you have with regard to the minor child, and substitute therefore the petitioners. Pursuant to Alaska Statute 25.23.050(a), your consent to the adoption Is not required because you have abandoned the child for a period of not less than six months; for a period in excess of one year, you have failed significantly without justifiable cause to communicate meaningfully with the child; and, for a period in excess ot one year, you have filed significantly without justifiable cause to provide for the care and support of the child as required by law or judicial decree. DATE 46-13-20-27. MICHAEL GERSHEL, Bar No.

8612150, Attorney for Petitioner. 22112934255 NOTICE OP ELECTION Notice is hereby given that pursuant to a resolution adopted by the Board of Trustees of West Chester Township, Butler County, Ohio, on the 23rd day of January, 2001, there wiH be submitted to the qualified electors of said township at the election to be held on the 8th day of May, 2001. at the regular places of voting therein, a replacement tax for the purpose of the payment of salaries of permanent police personnel, including the payment of the police officer employer's contribution required under section 742.33 of the revised code or for the purpose of providing and maintaining motor vehicles, communication, and other equipment used directly in the operation of a poKce department at a rate not exceeding four and five-tenths (4.5) miHs for each one doRar of valuation, which amounts to forty-five cents (10.45) for each one hundred dollars of valuation, for a continuing period of time, commencing In 2001, first due In calendar year 2002. The polls wW be open from 6:30 am to 7:30 p.m. on said date.

BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF ELECTION OF THE COUNTY OF BUTLER, OHtO. Robert A. Moskettf, Director. 514979045 64 LnJ (3G0 QpflffiQ tGDE? none ssiiniD annniflDiiDDDii off mnidDiniouS Purchase the Saturday Cincinnati Post for the regular price of 750 and receive a copy of the Saturday Cincinnati Enquirer at no extra charge or purchase the Saturday Kentucky Post for the regular price of $1.00 and receive a copy of the Saturday Kentucky Enquirer at no extra charge. THE ENQUIRER The Post Offer valid at all participating Speedway locations on Saturdays from April 7 to May 5.

We'll help you find the perfect employee Call today to place a help wanted ad 421-6300.

The Cincinnati Enquirer from Cincinnati, Ohio (2024)
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Name: Kelle Weber

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Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.