Fated to the Alpha (Fated #1) (2024)


52 reviews5 followers

July 10, 2021

I'm really loving the book. BUT it will definitely be the last one I read on this app. It costs way to much!


1,114 reviews

July 23, 2021

I read the first 11 chapters on an app, I saw it on facebook, but in order to read the rest you have to buy coins, it'd probably end up costing me $100 to read a book with a lot of grammar and spelling errors, no thanks. If this book comes out in a different format, I definately want to finish it.


3 reviews

July 19, 2021

I really liked the great story and I really wanted to finish it. It was my first werewolf romance novel, so I have a new genre to read. However, with all of the spelling and grammar errors, I am NOT paying an app for it, chapter by chapter. I love the idea of authors getting paid for their work, believe me; I certainly cannot string stories together like clothes on a clothesline. No offense to the author, this is not my preferred method of delivery, and I can wait until it's published fully. I'm expecting a copyright infringement lawsuit to change the title of this one, though.

Bonny Read

481 reviews17 followers

April 8, 2022

Intriguing story, but ends in cliff hanger!

Saw this advertised on FB. The ad lets you read several chapters which, I admit, was interesting and intriguing so clicked on the link. That's when I found myself on one of those reading apps (goodnovels.com). You know the ones - they release a chapter a week and you have to earn "credits" to get it (which takes forever). Oh, you can buy credits, but by the time you've bought enough to read the entire book you've spent $60-$100 bucks. Yeah, not doing that!

I knew that author's contracts with those type apps/companies differ. Most are exclusive for only a year or so. So I did some research and found the ebook on Amazon for $9.98. Usually, I don't spend that much on ebooks, but I was already too far invested in this story so I bought it. (Strangely enough it's not longer available in ebook format on Amazon (only print for $19.98), but you can find a PDF version to download elsewhere.

The story did not disappoint. It gets better the further you get into it. The plot is interesting, but somehow, in a strange way, the more that is revealed, the more you learn about the mystery surrounding the h, the more intriguing it becomes because it only adds more mystery and questions. All the significant characters have depth and are multi-layered, more than they appear to be in the beginning.

Sadly, Ezra and Katya's story does not end with this book. I wrongly thought this was a stand-alone story in this series with subsequent books in this world dealing with different couple. But No, this one "ends" in a doosey of a cliffhanger. Not only do we still not know or understand the full extent of Katya's gift/curse, but we discover that she's not the only one with a cursed affliction. Apparently Ezra has a secret of his own dealing with a moon curse, you just need to read book two to find out what exactly it is. Also, it appears Ezra's Beta (Matteo) may end up mated to Katya too. This is an RH story (reverse harem for those who don't know what that is). (Book #2 is titled Fated to the Beta.)

So, will I read book #2. It is currently available in print (paperback) format on Amazon for $21.98. No, I won't pay that much, but I do love Matteo and i'm dying to know what Ezra's moon curse is and how that will affect Katya's gift/curse and how her's will affect his. So I will keep doing my research and waiting until I can acquire this book cheaper.

Be forwarned, there are a few editing error. A couple of incorrect words, times when two different tenses (past and present) ate used in the same sentence. And twice wherei had absolutely no clue what word the author intended, such as this gem:

"One hand moves underneath my shirt, caressing my s. Youh."

What the heck is "s. Youh"????? The other time this happened it was an even bigger jumbled mix of nonsense. Thankfully, this only happened twice. In spite of these errors, my interest was engaged sufficiently to keep me reading. Looking forward to when I can get book #2.


36 reviews1 follower

March 16, 2022

Facebook sucked me in guys! Horrible grammar and typos! Great plot. Nice spice. The storyline kept me hooked, but it’s unfinished. Loved the characters and would love to read a thoroughly edited and completed version. If you can find for free I would say go for it but not worth paying the asking price with all the typos.


241 reviews

October 8, 2021

This has the potential to be a good book but it needs lots of work.

I didn't read it on the app like many have said they did. I read it, up through Chapter 128, free, through the GamaNovel website. I will never, ever read a book like this again. If I can't get it in physical form or on Kindle, I won't waste my time. There are too many good books out there waiting to be read to pay what you usually pay for an entire series or to fight, yes, I really mean fight, with a website that wants to flood you with ads, pop-up, and tracking.

I like some of the characters in the book. It just feels like a rough draft. There are so many characters and events in the book that need more fleshing out. I can tell I the author is attempting to make the reader not like a character, but I need more story building to show why I should dislike them. Also Kat, almost everyone dislikes her initially but there is only a dim description of it. If you want me to dislike someone, give me point of view, or multiple points of view, showing how other character's see her.

This book is told from many points of view but is doesn't flow together well. The book has an enormous amount of spelling, grammar and structure issues. It's obvious that he book was not proofread, not even by the author. I found some of the themes to be annoying too because they are all smashed together. The "everyone hates Kat" and "I'm a man, attracted to a man, but I'm straight" and others. It would have felt better to learn these things from actions and events in the story. It detracts from the story to argue a subject that wasn't properly brought up or even questioned by other characters. I just found the book lacking in many aspects.


31 reviews

September 14, 2021

Just like another reader, I saw this book on FB. I read the first 9 chapters once I downloaded the app. I'm not paying an app a lot of money to read one book. It was a good story line, barring the grammatical errors. I'd read it if it was on Kindle. I'm sad I can't read the rest.


909 reviews37 followers

July 23, 2021

Freaking story isn't finished! Was loving it though

Tracy Smyth

1,721 reviews3 followers

November 21, 2021

I was enjoying this book but it was going to cost way too much on this app.

Leah Hamilton

459 reviews

May 14, 2022

I liked the book at first, but I lost interest when it became about the three way, it is just not my cup of tea I DNF the book at that point.


95 reviews

November 7, 2021

Found this book through a Facebook Ad. Would not mind purchasing the book but like HELL am I paying per chapter - you’d have $50 in 1 book.

What I could read I’d enjoyed. HOWEVER as long as it’s an app forget it.

Author should publish on an actual platform with a good editor - good potential but these apps are glorified fan fiction that you pay to read. No editing, polishing of the story before posting.


1 review

August 4, 2021

The book is really great,I absolutely love the read! but it just cost too much more than a regular book should cost. I’d rather just buy the whole book once then having to keep on re-purchasing chapters, it’s a waste of money. Only because each chapter is not in the same price range, some is higher than the others so therefore is taking your coins a whole lot faster than it should be.


114 reviews

November 3, 2021


That is where I was able to read the first 190 chapters for free, thanks to another review here on Goodreads. I am bummed I don't know how it ends but I have some theories. This is a wonderful story that could have used two things: serious editing and published on Amazon. I quite enjoyed it though!

China Brinson

242 reviews17 followers

May 9, 2022

So this series I definitely enjoyed reading. Of course I read it on Goodnovels. But I think this will be the last of the books I read using this app. Like others to continue reading one has to spend money. The amount spent trying to read these books is more then actually buying the books 🙄.


315 reviews10 followers

June 29, 2023

This read like a low quality Wattpad book, I think that says enough about this one.


Courtney Lindsay

2 reviews

January 1, 2024

This book has you falling for the Alpha in no time. There are many steamy moments that make you so excited for the couple. However, there are a few things that also ruined this romance a bit for me and made me not want to read the second book. One of the things that really put a damper on the mood was the issue of age. I wish the author had made a different plot line than what they used, Kat (the main character) was underage for most of the book, this ended up making me lose a bit of respect for the Alpha as he perused her while she was that age. As well the Beta falling in love with her, and towards the end of the book Kat started questioning if she had feelings for him. This just made me a little frustrated with how the book left it. Overall though a fantastic book that does keep you in suspense and rooting for the main couple.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.


2,567 reviews6 followers

September 6, 2021

DNF @ chapter 122- Good story that goes off the deep end. What happens in this chapter makes no sense. A ton of errors. Horrible delivery method.

Claire Weglowski

Author2 books19 followers

January 13, 2023

Omg I loved this book gripped me right from the start must read straight on to book 2

Nori Warren

1 review

Currently reading

October 22, 2021

I haven’t finished it and can’t open it. Please instruct me on what todo.

Angelica Desmarais

18 reviews

December 29, 2023

The plot is intriguing but the many typos and bad grammar were distracting. Felt amateurish, a lot of unnecessary details and reiterations. Sometimes things can be said sublimely or left unsaid but this author felt the need to make her characters explain everything literally… The spicy scenes were good & I will probably still read the next book as this one ended very abruptly making me question if it was a cliff hanger or if the book was unfinished. Lastly, the possessiveness at some points was giving more abusive vibes than intense mate vibes… like controlling what your partner wears, who she talks to, where she goes, when she can go, etc.

Gwen Maddela-potter

432 reviews6 followers

July 2, 2022

Found it on one of those ads on FB. The writing is not the greatest, kinda like reading a fanfiction. The one word that comes to mind when I read it was "makjang". Makjang is a term they use for dramas that are over the top, or exaggerated dramas. Pretty much a bunch of tropes all mishmashed together. There was a lot of stuff going on but at the same time you can't stop reading. I couldn't stop reading.


Ella Burke

8 reviews

August 29, 2022

I LOVED THIS BOOK. I want more

Willow Dugger-Thieschafer

4 reviews4 followers

March 13, 2024

Love it

I absolutely love this book. The characters are great. I can't wait to read the next book in the series

Cherry Dunagan

2 reviews1 follower

July 11, 2021

This is a great story. Attractive and connectively moving characters and storyline.

NicoLe Vargas

1 review

August 11, 2021

Es realmente atrapante me tiene en vilo

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.


856 reviews7 followers

October 4, 2021

3.5* warning: MMF

I saw this story in a FB ad and the plot just drew me in right away. With the title and character names I searched and it brought me to Goodreads. I realised it's one of those online novels where readers pay and get to read chapters as they're published. I've read a couple of such Chinese web novels but I only ever read completed stories because I hate cliffhangers let alone unfinished stories!

I was grateful to other reviewers mentioning the story could be read for free on Gamanovel because no way would I pay more than $100 to read this!

No doubt the plot is gripping but the rest of the book sucks. It's almost like a book for teachers to teach common English and grammatical errors. Everything that could go wrong went wrong. I lost count how many time to/too/two & your/ you're are used wrongly...Character names are spelled wrongly...Numbers and letters can be used interchangeably. I even saw 'publically' and 'dieing'! And almost all plurals are made with "'s"! A nightmare for Grammar Nazis.

It's almost like a machine providing transcripts ehile the writer spoke and the writer just published the transcripts without bothto read through, proofread for the most basic errors!

Someone calculated that to read the full novel paying by chapters it'd cost more than $100! The best novels in paperback only cost around $10 so it's a real rip off to read such stories. Ot must be making the writers lots of money!

I zipped through chapters 1 to 124 in 2 or 3 days and that's really the story if Kat, Ezra and Mateo. From chapter 125 to 16x it's mainly about Andrei and Sage, and we get glimpses of KEM's HEA as they deal with new parenthood. Kat can be a mean b!tch when hormonal...

I've only read up to chp 163 because that's all that's available so far. Not sure if I'll continue to read because it's starting to get draggy...

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.

Jennifer Nance

1 review

Want to read

December 15, 2021

Can I get someone to do a spoiler alert for me???? So she end up going with Mateo as well?? If so I don't want to waste anymore money on the book. If her and Ezar stays together like mates are suppose to I want to finish the book. Please someone help??? I've already invested $25 to read the book and it the story goes that route with her having both of them or she leaves Ezar I'm done reading

Tay Soph

133 reviews1 follower

December 27, 2022

Well… plot hooked me at first but it was a realllllllly slow burn and there were some parts of the book where entire paragraphs were repeated or the wrong word used. Also kind of think the main guy is a controlling jerk which I don’t like however it makes me want her to end up with the beta guy but he’s kind of a perv and the whole situation with his mate was so sudden and just not addressed enough-it feels weird. Plus the book ended mid way though a convo? Like I’m confused. I didn’t love it but going to try reading the next book anyways to see if she ends up with the beta dude and breaks her curse. Maybe book two will be better

Fated to the Alpha (Fated #1) (2024)
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Author: Catherine Tremblay

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Name: Catherine Tremblay

Birthday: 1999-09-23

Address: Suite 461 73643 Sherril Loaf, Dickinsonland, AZ 47941-2379

Phone: +2678139151039

Job: International Administration Supervisor

Hobby: Dowsing, Snowboarding, Rowing, Beekeeping, Calligraphy, Shooting, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Catherine Tremblay, I am a precious, perfect, tasty, enthusiastic, inexpensive, vast, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.