DVD Talk Forum - The 2011 Rank 'Em As You See 'Em Thread (2024)

2011 theatrical releases:

The Mechanic: B (3/5) 2/1/11 "Had the film given Foster and Statham (who are more than capable actors) more to say, this would be a great (possibly A level) action/thriller. It delivers the action goods, but the characters suffer from being criminally underwritten."

Rango: A+ (4.5/5) 3/12/11 "Johnny Depp's strongest work in years. A tremendous PG animated film for adults, sprinkled with enough broad gags to make kids laugh. A true love letter to Leone westerns as well as other genres and specific films. The animation is spot on and the fine voice work mixed with the smart script actually make you feel for the characters. I'd say it's equal with most of Pixar's top work and never has to be emotionally manipulative to get a reaction, a definite plus."

The Adjustment Bureau: A (4/5) 4/23/11 "A smart sci-fi love story headlines by stellar performances from Matt Damon and Emily Blunt (who have wonderful natural on-screen chemistry), as well as Anthony Mackie and Terrance Stamp. I can see why this was such a tough film to market because it feels very much like a by-the-numbers romantic drama with an element of suspense that happens to be deeply cemented in the sci-fi world. Some great themes and issues were brought up and I liked walking out of the movie thinking about the questions raised. Nolfi's direction is pinpoint and the visual effects are seamless as they should always be."

Fast Five: A+ (4.5/5) 4/29/11 "An unapologetically, over-the-top but not insulting action film that pays homage to the goofy roots of the series, while managing to branch out into the action genre. A great ensemble cast, fantastic set pieces, and wonderful pacing, set the bar very high for the 2011 summer season. I say bring on the sixth film, but hopefully they'll wrap things up before killing a series that has gotten a great new breath of life."

Paul: B+ (3.5/5) 4/30/11 "A pleasing sci-fi comedy made by nerds, for nerds. It tries a little too hard at times, and some of the side plots drag, but more often than not, there's a good solid laugh at least once a minute. Some great references that sadly fell flat with the crowd I was in (my laughter echoed at the MAC AND ME one-liner, apparently no one else had ever seen it), but plenty of broad comedy for even non sci-fi fans. One of Rogen's best pieces of work and finally proof that Pegg and Frost can do solid work without Wright."

Thor: A (4/5) 5/6/11 "I was one of the few people who had high expectation for THOR and I'm happy to say the movie met almost all of them, exceeded a few, and only fell short on one or two. A nice old-school feeling superhero movie that knew when and when not to take itself seriously."

Hobo With a Shotgun: B+ (3.5/5) 5/20/11 "A morally bankrupt, cruelly repugnant movie. Wholly enjoyable, although it does falter in its final act. Worth seeing for Rutger Hauer's completely unironic, straightfaced performance."

I Saw the Devil: A+ (4.5/5) 5/28/11 "Choi Min-sik continues his streak of outstanding performances in a expertly paced, intense twist on the revenge thriller. I'm still shocked such a great film came from the man behind the insufferable THE GOOD, THE BAD, THE WEIRD."

Super: A- (3.5/5) 5/29/11 "A great companion piece of KICK ASS. The relatively straight laced way the "real life" superhero angle was handled was refreshing. Rainn Wilson's performance is incredibly human, off kilter, but still touching. Nathan Fillion as expected nearly steals the show in his bit part. James Gunn definitely has a grasp on taking the "feel" f a a Troma film and adding some class and polish to it. Hope to see more from him, more often."

Kill the Irishman: B+ (3.5/5) 6/2/11 "A textbook example of an above average story and out-of-this world cast being hampered by sub-par direction and production design. Ray Stevenson proves (to the mainstream) he's not just a charismatic hulking force, but a serious actor who can play a role expected to be unhinged and sloppy with finesse and quiet restraint. Also of note is Christopher Walken who turns in the most normal, grounded performance I've seen since CATCH ME IF YOU CAN."

X-Men: First Class: A (4/5) 6/4/11 "A solid sci-fi/fantasy action film. Wasn't too fond of it as a straight up X-Men film, but did appreciate Vaughn trying to do something different. The film suffers most from a bloated, dull supporting cast, but the Charles/Erik dynamic as well as anytime Kevin Bacon is on screen covers up those flaws, while the remainder is competently crafted entertainment."

13 Assassins: A+ (4.5/5) 6/9/11 "Best film of 2011 so far and Miike's finest moment in an already amazing, varied career. If I didn't know any better I'd say he built a time machine and plucked up a lost samurai film of the 50s/60s and brought it back. Do not hesitate seeing this in a theater, worth every penny and then some."

The Man from Nowhere: A+ (4.5/5) 6/18/11 "An action movie doesn't have to be dumb and THE MAN FROM NOWHERE is certainly not dumb. Well paced, beautifully shot, and ultimately satisfying, the film has enough poignancy and development to elevate it from merely another TAKEN to something subtly more human."

Hesher: B+ (3.5/5) 7/2/11 "I honestly feel my gut instinct towards this movie was a bit harsh. Joseph Gordon Levitt is a force of nature as the title character who comes to "save" a family consisting of a chronically bullied 13 year old, a pill addled dad (Rainn Wilson), and a long suffering grandma (Piper Laurie is a thankless role). Natalie Portman shows up as a quirky cashier, but is shockingly the weak link of the film. It's a very antisocial film at times, but manages to be sincerely touching and meaningful in its own strange way.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2: A (4/5) 7/17/11

Captain America- The First Avenger: A+ (4.5/5) 7/22/11

Beastly: F (0.5/5) 8/14/11

The Clone Returns Home: A+ (4.5/5) 8/21/11

Shaolin: A (4/5) 9/22/11

Drive: A++ (5/5) 9/23/11

The Help: C (2/5) 9/26/11

The Music Never Stopped: B+ (3.5/5) 9/26/11

Source Code: B+ (3.5/5) 10/12/11

The Guard: B+ (3.5/5) 10/23/11

Beautiful Boy: A+ (4.5/5) 11/12/11 "It took me two tries to get through this, but it's definitely worth at least one viewing. A film that fills you with a feeling of dread and sorrow as it takes an unflinchingly realistic look at how the parents of a school shooting perpetrator struggle to cope amidst a failing marriage. Amazing lead performances from Michael Sheen and Maria Bello."

Atlas Shrugged- Part 1: C+ (2.5/5) 11/21/11 "Not awful, not great, just mediocre."

Rise of the Planet of the Apes: A (4/5) 11/22/11

The Muppets: A (4/5) 11/23/11

The Future: D (1/5) 11/27/11

The Debt: B (3/5) 12/4/11

Straw Dogs: C (2/5) 12/17/11

Mission Impossible- Ghost Protocol: A+ (4.5/5) 12/20/11

Warrior: A- (3.5/5) 12/21/11

2011 straight-to-dvd releases:

Sins of My Father: A- (3.5/5) 2/4/11 - DVD [documentary about Pablo Escobar and how his son dealt with the fallout]
SWAT: Firefight: C (2/5) 2/7/11 - DVD
The Last Lovecraft: Relic of Cthulhu: A (4/5) 2/14/11 - DVD
The Hessen Conspiracy: C- (1.5/5) 2/20/11 - DVD
Candyman: A (4/5) 2/21/11 - DVD [documentary about the founder of Jelly Belly Jelly Beans]
Sword of War: D (1/5) 3/3/11 - DVD
The Killing Jar: D (1/5) 3/17/11 - DVD
Walking on Water: F (0.5/5) 3/22/11 -DVD
Shanghai Red: A (4/5) 4/17/11 - DVD
Sniper: Reloaded: C- (1.5/5) 5/30/11 - DVD
Bloodrayne: The Third Reich: D+ (1.5/5) 7/9/11 - DVD
Tracker: C (2/5) 8/19/11 - DVD
Triad Underworld: C- (1.5/5) 9/15/11 - DVD
What Women Want [Hong Kong]: C+ (2.5/5) 9/18/11 - DVD
The Grace Card: D+ (1.5/5) 10/4/11 - DVD
Trigun- Badlands Rumble: B+ (3.5/5) 10/8/11 - DVD
The Captains: B+ (3.5/5) 10/15/11 - DVD
Treasure Hunter: D (1/5) 11/15/11 - DVD
Arena: C+ (2.5/5) 11/19/11 - DVD
Sleep Furiously: A (4/5) 11/25/11 - DVD
Bobby Fischer Against the World: B+ (3.5/5) - DVD
In the Name of the King- Two Worlds: F (0.5/5) - DVD

Other viewings:

Dick Tracy: A (4/5) [highly underrated comic book film] 1/1/11 - DVD
Scott Pilgrim vs. The World: A (4/5) [one of the rare times I'll upgrade a recent movie; was an A- before] 1/4/11 - BluRay
UHF: A- (3.5/5) 1/7/11 - DVD
The Bank Job: B+ (3.5/5) 1/8/11 - DVD
Enchanted: A+ (4.5/5) 1/9/11 - DVD
The Wrestler: A (4/5) 1/11/11 - DVD
Fantasia 2000: B+ (3.5/5) 1/13/11 - BluRay
The Crippled Masters: B+ (3.5/5) 1/13/11 - DVD
The Crippled Masters 2: C (2/5) 1/14/11 - DVD
The Crippled Masters 3: F (0.5/5) 1/14/11 - DVD
Bring Me the Head of Alfredo Garcia: B+ (3.5/5) 1/16/11 - DVD
The Social Network: A (4/5) 1/17/11 - DVD
Black Swan: B (3/5) 1/27/11 - Theatrical
Perfect Blue: A (4/5) 1/30/11 - DVD
White Hunter Black Heart: A+ (4.5/5) 1/30/11 - DVD
Saw: The Final Chapter: D+ (1.5/5) 1/31/11 - On Demand

Kamui Gaiden: C- (1.5/5) 2/1/11 - BluRay
Dirty Dancing: B+ (3.5/5) 2/4/11 - Theatrical
Alice in Wonderland [1951]: B+ (3.5/5) 2/6/11 - BluRay
Battlestar Galactica [2003]: A (4/5) 2/10/11 - DVD
Faster: B (3/5) 2/12/11 - DVD
Little Fockers: C (2/5) 2/14/11 - Theatrical
Evil Dead 2: A++ (5/5) 2/20/11 - Theatrical
Shopping: F (0.5/5) 2/27/11 - DVD
The King's Speech: A (4/5) 2/28/11 - Theatrical

Me and You and Everyone We Know: A (4/5) 3/5/11 - DVD
The Dead Pool: D+ (1.5/5) 3/5/11 - DVD
The Learning Tree: B+ (3.5/5) 3/5/11 - DVD
Battlestar Galactica: The Plan: B (3/5) 3/5/11 - DVD
Love Actually: A+ (4.5/5) 3/7/11 - DVD
Monsters vs. Aliens: B+ (3.5/5) 3/13/11 - DVD
Winter's Bone: C+ (2.5/5) 3/14/11 - DVD
Adventureland: A (4/5) 3/14/11 - DVD
The Fighter: A (4/5) 3/15/11 - Theatrical
Blue Velvet: A+ (4.5/5) 3/16/11 - DVD
My Fellow Americans: B+ (3.5/5) 3/16/11 - On Demand
Breakfast at Tiffany's: A++ (5/5) 3/17/11 - Theatrical
Dolemite: A (4/5) 3/22/11 - Theatrical
Suspiria: C- (1.5/5) 3/23/11 - DVD
Lorna Doone [1990]: C (2/5) 3/26/11 - DVD
My Fair Lady: A+ (4.5/5) 3/28/11 - DVD
Hellboy II: The Golden Army: A (4/5) 3/29/11 - DVD

Aliens: Directors Cut: A (4/5) 4/1/11 - Theatrical
Silver Dream Racer: C- (1.5/5) 4/2/11 - DVD
Predator 2: A- (3.5/5) 4/3/11 - DVD
Taxi Driver: A++ (5/5) 4/5/11 - Theatrical
Dr. Strangelove or How I Stopped Worrying and Learned to Love the Bomb: A++ (5/5) 4/8/11 - Theatrical
Paddle to the Sea: B+ (3.5/5) 4/9/11 - DVD
From Here to Eternity: A++ (5/5) 4/9/11 - Theatrical
Antony and Cleopatra: B (3/5) 4/10/11 - DVD
Woman of the Year: A- (3.5/5) 4/10/11 - DVD
Keeper of the Flame: B (3/5) 4/11/11 - DVD
The Fast and the Furious: B (3/5) 4/14/11 - DVD
2 Fast 2 Furious: C- (1.5/5) 4/15/11 - DVD
Fast and Furious: B+ (3.5/5) 4/15/11 - DVD
The King's Speech: A (4/5) 4/17/11 - DVD
Pat and Mike: A++ (5/5) 4/22/11 - DVD
Without Love: A (4/5) 4/24/11 - DVD
Cohen and Tate: C (2/5) 4/24/11 - DVD
Body Slam: F (0.5/5) 4/24/11 - DVD
Sea of Grass: B (3/5) 4/25/11 - DVD
Guess Who's Coming to Dinner: A+ (4.5/5) 4/25/11 - DVD
State of the Union: A (4/5) 4/26/11 - DVD
Desk Set: A+ (4.5/5) 4/26/11 - DVD
Adam's Rib: A++ (5/5) 4/26/11 - DVD
Black Dynamite: A++ (5/5) 4/29/11 - DVD

Queen of Hearts: B (3/5) 5/1/11 - DVD
Jezebel: A+ (4.5/5) 5/1/11 - DVD
Dark Victory: A (4/5) 5/1/11 - DVD
Now, Voyager: A+ (4.5/5) 5/2/11 - DVD
Old Acquaintance: B- (2.5/5) 5/2/11 - DVD
True Grit [2007]: A+ (4.5/5) 5/2/11 - Theatrical
Evangelion 1.11: A+ (4.5/5) You Can (Not) Advance 5/3/11 - DVD
Evangelion 2.22: A+ (4.5/5) You Are (Not) Alone 5/9/11 - DVD
Crash and Burn: C+ (2.5/5) 5/15/11 - DVD
Robot Wars: D (1/5) 5/15/11 - DVD
The Limey: A+ (4.5/5) 5/17/11 - DVD [watched twice in one day]
Burlesque : C+ (2.5/5) 5/17/11 - BluRay
The Killer Inside Me: A+ (4.5/5) 5/21/11 - DVD
The Forbidden Quest: B- (3.5/5) 5/28/11 - Theatrical
Red Riding 1974: C+ (2.5/5) 5/31/11 - DVD

The A Team: A (4/5) 6/1/11 - DVD
Superman II: The Donner Cut: B+ (3.5/5) 6/3/11 - Theatrical
Purple Rain: B+ (3.5/5) 6/6/11 - DVD
About a Boy: A++ (5/5) 6/7/11 - DVD
Kick Ass: A- (3.5/5) 6/9/11 - BluRay
Rules of Attraction: B+ (3.5/5) 6/13/11 - DVD
In the Mouth of Madness: A+ (4.5/5) 6/14/11 - DVD
X-Men: B+ (3.5/5) 6/15/11 - BluRay
Lady Vengeance: A+ (4.5/5) 6/16/11 - DVD
Ridicule: A+ (4.5/5) 6/16/11 - DVD
Hackers: A (4/5) 6/21/11 - DVD
Less Than Zero: C- (1.5/5) 6/23/11 - DVD
Brüno: B (3/5) 6/25/11 - DVD
Saw: A (4/5) 6/28/11 - DVD
Observe and Report: A+ (4.5/5) 6/28/11 - DVD

The Warrior's Way: B (3/5) 7/1/11
The Rock: A++ (5/5) 7/1/11 - Theatrical
See Here, Pvt. Hargrove: B (3/5) 7/3/11 - DVD
The Yakuza: A (4/5) 7/4/11 - DVD
The Rack: A+ (4.5/5) 7/10/11 - DVD
The Town: A (4/5) 7/11/11 - DVD
Terminator Salvation- Director's Cut: B+ (3.5/5) 7/13/11 - DVD
Rushmore: A- (3.5/5) 7/14/11 - Theatrical
Diabolique [original]: A (4/5) 7/15/11 - BluRay
The Killer: A++ (5/5) 7/15/11 - Theatrical
Broken Flowers: A- (3.5/5) 7/16/11 - DVD
I'm Still Here: D+ (1.5/5) 7/18/11 - DVD
The Phantom: A (4/5) 7/26/11 - DVD
Hard Boiled: A++ (5/5) 7/27/11 - Theatrical
Police Story III [aka Supercop]: A (4/5) 7/29/11 - DVD
Dagon: A+ (4.5/5) 7/30/11 - DVD

Dick Tracy: A (4/5) 8/4/11 - Theatrical
Raiders of the Lost Ark: A++ (5/5) 8/5/11 - Theatrical
Green Hornet: B+ (3.5/5) 8/6/11 - DVD
Police Story: A (4/5) 8/11/11 - DVD
Just Write: C (2/5) 8/13/11 - DVD
The Box: B- (2.5/5) 8/17/11 - DVD
Fe: B- (2.5/5) 8/18/11 - DVD
Red Cliff Pt. 1: A+ (4.5/5) 8/24/11 - BluRay
Red Cliff Pt. 2: A+ (4.5/5) 8/24/11 - BluRay
Chungking Express: A+ (4.5/5) 8/26/11 - BluRay
As Tears Go By: A- (3.5/5) 8/29/11 - DVD
Ashes of Time- Redux: A (4/5) 8/29/11 - DVD

Who Framed Roger Rabbit: A (4/5) 9/2/11 - Theatrical
Ip Man: A (4/5) 9/7/11 - BluRay
Fallen Angels: B+ (3.5/5) 9/8/11 - DVD
Manos- The Hands of Fate: F (0.5/5) 9/9/11 - DVD
Snake in the Monkey's Shadow: A- (3.5/5) 9/14/11 - Theatrical
Mrs. Brown: A (4/5) 9/15/11 - DVD
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II- The Secret of the Ooze: B+ (3.5/5) 9/16/11 - OnDemand
Armour of God II: A- (3.5/5) 9/19/11 - DVD
Arthur: B+ (3.5/5) 9/24/11 - OnDemand
Arthur 2- On The Rocks: C+ (2.5/5) 9/24/11 - OnDemand
Friday Night Lights: A- (3.5/5) 9/27/11 - DVD

Two Lane Blacktop: B+ (3.5/5) 10/2/11 - DVD
Always: A- (3.5/5) 10/7/11 - DVD
The Thing [1982] : A++ (5/5) 10/7/11 - Theatrical
American Hunter: F (0.5/5) 10/11/11 - VHS
LA Confidential: A++ (5/5) 10/13/11 - DVD
Ghost Dog- Way of the Samurai: A+ (4.5/5) 10/14/11 - DVD
Batman- Mask of the Phantasm: B+ (3.5/5) 10/15/11 - OnDemand
Thor: A (4/5) 10/22/11 - BluRay
Shutter Island: B (3/5) 10/23/11 - DVD
Planet Terror: B+ (3.5/5) 10/23/11 - DVD
Shaolin: A (4/5) 10/24/11 - DVD

The Shining: A++ (5/5) 11/3/11 - Theatrical
This Is Spinal Tap: A+ (4.5/5) 11/5/11 - DVD
This Is Spinal Tap: A+ (4.5/5) 11/11/11 - Theatrical
The Muppet Movie: A+ (4.5/5) 11/26/11 - DVD
Key Largo: A (4/5) 11/27/11 - DVD

Die Hard: A++ (5/5) 12/2/11 - Theatrical
Treasure Island [1990]: A++ (5/5) 12/3/11 - DVD
Stand by Me: A+ (4.5/5) 12/4/11 - DVD
Madea Goes to Jail: F (0.5/5) 12/5/11 - DVD
Melvin and Howard: B+ (3.5/5) 12/6/11 - DVD
Winnebago Man: A+ (4.5/5) 12/9/11 - OnDemand
Best Worst Movie: A (4/5) 12/9/11 - OnDemand
Morning Glory: B+ (3.5/5) 12/9/11 - OnDemand
National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation: B+ (3.5/5) 12/9/11 - BluRay
Jackass 3- Director's Cut: B (3/5) 12/10/11 - OnDemand
From Paris With Love: B- (2.5/5) 12/11/11 - OnDemand
To Live and Die in LA: B+ (3.5/5) 12/11/11 - OnDemand
Hoosiers: A- (3.5/5) 12/11/11 - OnDemand
GI Joe- The Rise of Cobra: B- (2.5/5) 12/11/11 - OnDemand
Hitman Hart- Wrestling with Shadows: C+ (2.5/5) 12/12/11 - OnDemand
Dirty Rotten Scoundrels: A- (3.5/5) 12/12/11 - OnDemand
Hot Tub Time Machine: A- (3.5/5) 12/12/11 - OnDemand
Bringing Up Baby: A++ (5/5) 12/18/11 - Theatrical
Tomb Raider: Cradle of Life: C- (1.5/5) 12/19/11 - DVD
A Christmas Story: A++ (5/5) 12/22/11 - BluRay
A Christmas Carol [2009]: A (4/5) 12/23/11 - BluRay
The French Connection: A+ (4.5/5) 12/24/11 - DVD
Sherlock Holmes [2010]: B (3/5) 12/24/11 - DVD
Mission Impossible III: A- (3.5/5) 12/24/11 - DVD

FINAL TOP 5 of 2011:


DVD Talk Forum -  The 2011 Rank 'Em As You See 'Em Thread (2024)
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Author: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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Author information

Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

Birthday: 1997-10-17

Address: Suite 835 34136 Adrian Mountains, Floydton, UT 81036

Phone: +3571527672278

Job: Manufacturing Agent

Hobby: Skimboarding, Photography, Roller skating, Knife making, Paintball, Embroidery, Gunsmithing

Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.