1. 반효정 Ban Hyojung ::: SH K-STAR PROFILE
출생(Birthday) : 1942년 11월 27일 ( November / 27 / 1942 ); 고향(HomeTown) : 대구광역시(Daegu ); 나이(Age) : 83 세 (만82세); 성별(Sex) : 여성 (female) ...
국내외 프로필 제공, SH K-STAR, PROFILE
2. [단독] 반효정 부군상…'악인시대' 이상현 작가 별세 : 네이트 연예
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3. 유전지표를 활용한 사상체질 분류모델 - 한국학술지인용색인
반효정, 이시우 and 진희정. (2020). 유전지표를 활용한 사상체질 분류모델. 사상체질면역의학회지, 32(2), 10-21. 반효정, 이시우 and 진희정. 2020, "유전지표를 ...
Predictive Models for Sasang Constitution Types Using Genetic Factors - Sasang typology;Sasang constitution;Genetic variant;Genetic factor;Predictive model
4. Predictive Models for Sasang Constitution Types Using Genetic ...
유전지표를 활용한 사상체질 분류모델 · 반효정 (한국한의학연구원 지능화추진팀) ; · 이시우 (한국한의학연구원 미래의학부) ; · 진희정 (한국한의학연구원 지능화추진팀).
Objectives Genome-wide association studies(GWAS) is a useful method to identify genetic associations for various phenotypes. The purpose of this study was to develop predictive models for Sasang constitution types using genetic factors. Methods The genotypes of the 1,999 subjects was performed using Axiom Precision Medicine Research Array (PMRA) by Life Technologies. All participants were prescribed Sasang Constitution-specific herbal remedies for the treatment, and showed improvement of original symptoms as confirmed by Korean medicine doctor. The genotypes were imputed by using the IMPUTE program. Association analysis was conducted using a logistic regression model to discover Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP), adjusting for age, sex, and BMI. Results & Conclusions We developed models to predict Korean medicine constitution types using identified genectic factors and sex, age, BMI using Random Forest (RF), Support Vector Machine (SVM), and Neural Network (NN). Each maximum Area Under the Curve (AUC) of Teaeum, Soeum, Soyang is 0.894, 0.868, 0.767, respectively. Each AUC of the models increased by 6~17% more than that of models except for genetic factors. By developing the predictive models, we confirmed usefulness of genetic factors related with types. It demonstrates a mechanism for more accurate prediction through genetic factors related with type.
5. Correlations of Cross-sectional Areas of Psoas and Paraspinal Muscles in ...
김한겸, 김석, 반효정, 윤현석, 염선규, 홍순성. 요통환자에 있어서 방사통과 영상의학검사 소견상의 연관성 분석. 척추신경추나의학회지. 2009;4(1):95-102. Savage ...
Objectives : This study was designed to evaluate the correlation of the cross-sectional areas(CSA) of paraspinalis(iliocostalis lumborum, multifidus, longissimus thoracis parts lumborum) and psoas muscle and sex, age, change of the VAS(visual analogue scale) and past history of chronic low back pain in patients suffering from HIVD(herniation of intervertebral disc). Methods : Medical records of 140 subjects with HIVD were retrospectively reviewed. The MRI(magnetic resonance imaging) findings on the patients were scanned and analyzed by PiView program to find the paraspinal and psoas muscle CSA and were evaluated by the correlation of sex, age, change of the VAS, and past history of chronic low back pain. Results : There was significant difference between groups in male and female, young-adults age and middle age, middle age and old age, young-adults age and old age. But the correlation of the paraspinal and psoas muscle CSA and past history of chronic low back pain were partially significant. On the other hand, the correlation of the paraspinal and psoas muscle CSA and change of the VAS were not significant. Conclusions : These results suggest that the cross-sectional areas(CSA) of paraspinalis and psoas muscle have relevance to sex and age.
6. CAU Scholar's Space: Browsing ScholarWorks
Sex-Associated Differences in the Handgrip Strength of Elderly Individuals ... 반효정; 김경희; 곽연희. ArticleIssue Date2020Citation한국웰니스학회, v.15, no ...
CAU Scholar's Space: Browsing ScholarWorks
7. 양수구(陽燧灸)(오목거울뜸)에 대한 역사적 고찰 및 한의임상(韓醫 ... - KISS
... sex, age, period of disease, disc herniation type, times of exercise ... 반효정 ( Hyo Jeong Ban ) , 서근영 ( Geun Young Seo ) , 김재효 ( Jae Hyo Kim ) ...
Objectives: The purpose of this study is to summarize the historical aspects of parabolic reflector moxa and to suggest the applications of light moxibustion in Korean medicine. Results: Getting a fire by parabolic reflector(concave mirror) is well known because of the Olympic torch lighted with a solar reflector in Greece. From anecdotes or myths for Diocles and Archimedes(third century B.C.) a long history has been chronicled in books and films in western culture. However, it has another history in Asian countries since 2,000 years ago. Some reflectors had a tiny size with 6.5 to 10 cm in diameter, 4 mm to 1 cm thickness, and these mobile handheld devices could make us guess that they have been used for multiple purposes. Bronze reflectors were described in Dongeui-bogam, and excavated from the ancient remains of the Shilla and Koryo dynasties. This common firing device was used as a moxibustion device, one of the acupuncture and moxibustion modalities in traditional Korean medicine. Conclusions: Reflector moxa has been used as a light moxibustion to deliver heat energy to acupuncture points, muscles, and skin along meridians. We present a plausible proposal to improve other phototherapy modalities including reflector moxa in Korean medicine practice.
8. A Study on Correlation between the Axial Section Area in Psoas Major ...
... sex. Conclusions: According to above results, there was no significant the ... 김한겸, 김석, 반효정, 윤현석, 염선규, 홍순성. 요통환자에 있어서 방사통과 ...
Objectives: This study was designed to correlation between the axial section area in psoas major muscles and uncleus discharge pat of HIVD(herniated intervertebral disc) of lumbar(L)-spine. Methods: We measured the axial section area in psoas muscles. Then through the medical charts, we investigated nucleus discharge pat of HIVD of L-spine. We analyzed the relationship between them. Results: There was no significant correlation nucleus discharge part and psoas major muscle's axial section area. There was significant correlation aging and psoas major muscle's axial section area with control the sex. Conclusions: According to above results, there was no significant the area of axial section in psoas major muscles and nucleus discharge part of HIVD of L-spine.
9. 유진 "기태영의 첫 인상? 수줍음을 많이 탄다" - BNT뉴스
21 sep 2009 · 반효정, 임현식, 강남길, 양희경 선생님 등 많은 선생님들도 출연하시고 ... 'Sex' 없이 연애 못해? ▷ 영웅재중-믹키유천, 일본에서 듀엣 활동
MBC 새 주말 로맨스 극장 ‘인연만들기’의 히로인, 유진이 캐릭터 사진 공개와 함께 출연 소감을 밝혔다. 지난 13일, 포스터 촬영 현장, 원조 국민요정
10. “정애리와 스캔들·이미영 '가짜 전화'·오지명과 육박전…웃지 못할 사연들”
15 apr 2018 · ... Sex)는 일제의 전철을 그대로 밟은 것이었다. 일본이 3·1운동 이후 ... 그 얼마 뒤, 어느날 밤 9시가 넘어 탤런트 반효정이 집으로 전화를 했다.
<한겨레> 연재 회고록 ‘길을 찾아서’ 21번째 주인공은 고석만 프로듀서다. 1973년 <문화방송>(MBC)에 입사한 이래 그는 30여년간 숱한 화제작을 제조했다. ‘정치드라마의 대부’ ‘스타 피디 1세대’ 같은 명성과 더불어 ‘문제 피디’라는 시
11. 스트리트 파이터 살사 공연 | Experiments never fail
card street street fighter busan chromosome screen replace altruism sex ... 그런데 혹시 "반효정" 이라는 분 국립보건원에 근무하시는 분 아닌가요? 어디선 ...